Vocally Speaking:
Cleaning Out the Body and Nevertheless…. “Vocal Debris”.
Building the New, Clean and Strong Human Machinery.
The Rule of Holistic Teaching; Cleansing (cleaning) and Building!
That means a healthy diet and healthy exercise.

It’s a known fact that in a healthy body, there resides a healthy spirit!
For a long time, I was stating that: Your voice represents your spirit.
The voice is a reflection of the state of your being and the identification of who you are.
I’ve said that for years, and it has been “tested, tried and proven” repeatedly!
The clean diet would consist of high protein, low carbs, low sugar, low salt and no acid…
Our 3 worst enemies:
- White Sugar
- White Salt
- White Flour
Also, a night of good sleep will, no doubt, boost good immunity.
The lack of sleep weakens the immune system and that is how you become more susceptible to all kinds of viruses, infections and various disorders.

She is flying to her dreams to become a pop star… she definitely became lighter and healthier using the new diet and the exercise.
Now, let’s examine how it affects the voice.
If your system is backed up (colon), it will directly affect your voice.
You will be feeling full, but unsatisfied and most likely, even depressed.
That will reflect on the “health” and quality of your voice, as your voice also will sound dark, and low - thus directly reflecting the state of your being.
However, it is a “Catch-22”, as if due to poor vocal technique or the misuse or overuse of your voice you damage it, then no matter how clean your diet is, how much sleep you have gotten or how much you exercise, the damage will still prevail.

“He is training to help him to become a hard rock singer”
However, the good news is: That due to your good deeds/routines, the recovery of your voice will be much smoother, much faster, and much less invasive.
Evidently, it is best of all to have both - a clean body, a motivated and inspired spirit and a viable, good voice/vocal technique - which is guaranteed to prevent voice damage down the road!
So the moral of it is, to keep the body clean and vibrant, and watch your diet with that - while also watching your intake of salt, sugar and white flour - remember that those 3 are your THREE WHITE EMEMIES!!
Do not let any “enemies” invade your body, as not only your body, but your voice will suffer quite a great deal.
Between a clean body and uplifted spirit, we will ensure your voice performance will be at its best.
Become aware that everything you consume, eat, and drink throughout the day will affect the quality and health of your voice.
You do not want to sound like a Hamberger with Fries and/or, during the holidays, like a stuffed Turkey (with mashed potatoes, gravy and stuffing) - that will definitely identify you as a stuffed Turkey.
If you need any help either with the Vocal Science™ Method and its very unique voice/vocal technique, and/or the natural supplements (which have been carefully selected by us personally), please do not hesitate to contact us via email or phone call.
We would be more than happy to help you restore your voice if needed, or to create a totally new voice with your improved state of being!
Needless to say, please lose your bad habits (if you have any) such as smoking, drinking, drugs and etc.
Also, use your voice in moderation, and please do not yell or scream - as even my housekeeper while speaking, literally screams like crazy.
Over the many years that she's worked for me, I think I finally got through to her by warning her that she might lose her voice (God-forbid) altogether if she continues like that.
One of my former accountants, who had her own business, kept losing her voice every so often until I actually treated her with my holistic approach including natural herbs and homeopathic remedies.
I also administered a non-surgical voice repair course for her - and down the road, I conducted the same voice course also along with natural treatments for her secretary.
Her secretary was the opposite of my accountant, as she was mumbling on the phone something very quietly and nobody could understand her until I put my hands and expertise on her.
So after that, she became a very prominent secretary and no longer faced a fear of being fired. She ended up staying with my accountant for many years to come.
Your voice is the tool for communication (speaking and also, singing), so please do not break the tools, but rather save them and protect them so that your voice can last you for a lifetime.
Today is Black Friday!
We invite you to celebrate it with us.
Starting today, and through Monday inclusively, we will offer you our famous event:
“We Pay Your HST (tax) Event”.
For Seniors, aged 65 and over, on top of the above special, we will offer 10% off of any of our courses and/or herbal remedies.
Hurry, as “Black Friday” will not last forever!
However, we still have Cyber Monday coming up - and then you are welcome to use our new E-Store.
Actually, a couple of days ago, we got a really big order for our Supreme Natural Herbal Kit and potentially a 30 or 40-hour course for a well-known singer.
Due to confidentiality reasons and protocols, we, unfortunately, are not allowed to disclose any names without their written permission to us.
This person underwent an operation, as he injured his vocal anatomy.
So a top neurology surgeon performed a vocal operation on him a few years ago.
And it actually did work for a little bit…
But, opposed to what some people think (especially those with voice damage and what have you - like for example RFK Jr - the future US Minister of Health), he as well thought he would fly to Japan, do a clearly unneeded operation and then go straight to the presidential podium…
But as we already all know, after his Botox and whatnot that was applied to him during and after the surgery was worn out, he started to sound much worse than even before.
The myth of it is, that the majority of people are thinking that it is about their voice….
It is somewhat about their voice - but mainly it is about the application of the speaking and/or singing voice… and unless you have that proper voice application (which is not easy to instill) you will never feel safe about your voice health - you will stand on stage dying of panic, keeping your fingers crossed and praying - since you never when your voice will crack and give out…
But the proper technique and the proper application of your speaking and/or singing voice will ensure the health and length of your voice for a lifetime, because you will not be guessing - you will know for a fact beforehand (hearing in your inner ear and in your mind) what kind of sound will come out of your vocal apparatus.
In other words, the alignment of what you hear and what you desire to hear, has to be congruent with the desired sound you are producing!!
So be good.
Be well.
Stay vocally (and otherwise) safe!