• Singing Lessons, Vocal Coaching, Non-Surgical Voice Repair, Based out of Toronto
  • Singing Lessons, Vocal Coaching, Non-Surgical Voice Repair, Based out of Toronto
  • We provide both preventive and non-operative voice care and maintenance.
  • We offer 4-5 day Super Accelerated Vocal Immersion Courses and Non-Surgical
  • We Can Travel to You to Fix Your Voice!
  • Get your lifetime "Vocal Assurence" Today. Guaranteed to protect your voice.
  • World renouned results in the voice field; based on 30 years of proven science!
  • Vocal Science is not just the Science of Today, it is the Science of the Future.

Non-Surgical Voice Repair

Holistic Laryngological Care home-based in Toronto, Ontario Canada. We also attend to people from London UK, and other European, Asian and Oceanic countries. 

We also welcome and attend to clients from the US.

We would love to hear from you!
Contact Us Now!

Voice Repair

Singers, do you find your voice feels sore the day after a performance? Do you, by any chance, have vocal nodules or other vocal disorders? Are you worried you might be losing your voice? Or perhaps, you have already lost it and are even considering surgery?


We specialize in Non-Surgical Voice Repair and Post-Surgical Traumas
Whatever your vocal problems are, we can solve them through the use of our revolutionary vocal technique, specially designed alternative speech therapy, speech and singing exercises, and natural herbal remedies. We are the WORLD's only non-surgical, non-conventional, holistic voice repair specialists! If you are having voice problems, have a voice disorder, are considering surgery, or experiencing post-surgery trauma and want to learn how to assure the health, strength and safety of your voice FOR LIFE, please contact us.

Our unique and revolutionary Voice Repair program will not only repair your voice and your vocal box, but it will also teach you how to use your voice correctly according to the standards of 
professional speaking or singing so that your vocal problems will never be an issue again  - and we guarantee it!

We were affiliated with a world-renowned Doctor of ENT from Russia who was practicing holistic and homeopathic treatment methods here in Toronto, Canada. 

We thank ENT Dr. Oleg Shwartzburg for his extensive knowledge he shared over many years with us.

Click here to read Voice Repair Case Studies, Local Client Testimonials, and International Client Testimonials.


Dr. Vera C - of Detroit USA - Voice Loss/MTD Sufferer 

On August the 19th Vera just completed her 40-hour Super Accelerated Voice Repair Course journey during which she recovered and enhanced the quality of her voice. 

Her voice loss was caused by enormous emotional stress, strained vocal cords, whereas all of the above, in turn, had caused Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) disorder. 

See and witness Vera's successful journey in our video below: 


Vocal Science - Travel To You so we can Fix Your Voice

Please note: Ms. Yampolsky (for specially required cases) will also consider traveling to you to fix your voice. Learn about this option HERE



Here are just a few examples of specific voice problems that we have treated:



- Voice Repair Testimonials -

Michael Tamura Testimonial

Click on the image above to view his extensive testimonial.



Voice Repair Testimonial - Mary Ellen

Click on the image above to view his extensive testimonial.



Rodney R Testimonial

Click on the image above to view his extensive testimonial.



Voice Repair Testimonial - Wenke

Click on the image above to view her extensive testimonial.




- Before-&-After Video Demonstrations! -


This is a voice recovery video of Zelda A, a former Spasmodic Dysphonia Sufferer from Ontario, Canada.

Click HERE to read her extensive testimonal.




This is a video example of the voice restoration of Vera D - Barrie Ontario, Canada (Natural Mother Nature’s Solutions Export.)

Vera had suffered from vocal box damage due to surgery intubation.
She was offered to undergo two throat surgeries by doctors with no promise of ever regaining her regular speaking voice.

First Clip: Before voice repair/instruction and natural treatment.
Second Clip: After 30  hours of voice  repair/instruction.


For a more in-depth look at our treatment regarding non-surgical voice repair, visit our voice repair websitewww.repairyourvoice.com




You can also check out one of our articles related to non-surgical voice repair, titled Vocally Speaking: Would Your Prefer To Fix Your Voice, Or Would You Rather Suffer From Permanent Voice Loss?

Check out our Press Release!

- Non-Surgical Voice Repair Miracles -

(sent to multiple kinds of music and health-related sites across the net!)

 Bring out the best in your voice


We also provide unique form of voice repair for Vocal Disorders consisting of unnaturally high or low pitched voices for both genders.

Get in vocal (and overall) balance via the Vocal Science™ Method!

During puberty (especially with the male gender) some voices do not separate from the childhood voice and both voices become conjoined just like Siamese twins. This results in an adult voice that usually sounds weak and unnaturally high-pitched and "squeaky". Our unique approach to voice mechanics, using alternative speech therapy methods, can correct this voice problem by lifting the given voice off of the vocal cords and restructuring and placing it into the facial muscles which then will be put to work in the fullest conjunction and coordination with the abdominal muscles, thus establishing the natural tone and intonation congruent to the gender, age, height and weight of the person. If the voice is too high for the male, this technique will create a lower base for the now naturally supported, structured, and placed the voice. If the voice is too low for a female, this technique will work in reverse and also will balance the voice according to the above-mentioned parameters.


We are world renowned voice repair specialists!

If you are having vocal problems, have a vocal disorder and/or are considering surgery, please Contact Us Now!

Info@vocalscience.com | 416-857-8741



The Royans Professional Vocal School | The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Vocie Repair

TRS School for the Total Voice Performance!

 4 A.M. Talent Development & Artist Management Group Inc.