• Singing Lessons, Vocal Coaching, Non-Surgical Voice Repair, Based out of Toronto
  • Singing Lessons, Vocal Coaching, Non-Surgical Voice Repair, Based out of Toronto
  • We provide both preventive and non-operative voice care and maintenance.
  • We offer 4-5 day Super Accelerated Vocal Immersion Courses and Non-Surgical
  • We Can Travel to You to Fix Your Voice!
  • Get your lifetime "Vocal Assurence" Today. Guaranteed to protect your voice.
  • World renouned results in the voice field; based on 30 years of proven science!
  • Vocal Science is not just the Science of Today, it is the Science of the Future.

Vocal Science & Rock Solid Talent!


Rock Solid Entertainment.

The Royans Professional Vocal School and The Royans Institute For Non-Surgical Voice Repair is proud to announce that we are now offiliated with "Rock Solid Talent Entertainment" - A fast growing entertainment company specializing in managing, promoting and representing musical artists and bands internationally.

Also, check out their social media pages.

For those who may be interested in what this prominant company is able to offer, visit them at - http://www.rste.tk.

Check out their other affiliates and parterners at http://www.rste.tk


You can also visit their official Facebook Pages ( see below )


Group-1 Rock Solid Talent Entertainment LTD


Group-2 Rock Solid Talent Promotions


Group-3 R.S.T.E. Promote Your Talent


Group-4 Phil Taylor Music Madness
